Board of Trustees

Composed of 36 members, the Board of Trustees (BOT) is the University’s policy-making body. Trustees must hold membership in a Baptist church during their tenure on the Board. Trustees affirm and maintain the University’s mission by setting policy, 聘用和评估总裁, 并对研究所的整体绩效进行评估.



Mr. Chuck Davis, Chair
Mr. Mark Fowler, Secretary
Mr. Drue Pounds、副/金融
Mr. Rick Strange前任主席
Mrs. Cynthia Pearson,副主席/助理国务卿


Mr. Bryan Adams

澳门皇冠赌场平台.A. 1995


The people at Hardin-Simmons were essential to my growth as a Christian and a man. 我的家人觉得大是我们的第二个家.

Dr. Kevin Beam

Cleburne, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.A. 1994


HSU was instrumental in the positive development of my body, mind, and spirit. The relationships built with my professors and coaches still impacts me today, 我很自豪能在董事会任职.

Mr. Chad Braun

Cypress, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 1994


我喜欢在大的时光. It prepared me for a wonderful career and created memories that will last a lifetime.

Dr. Brad Butler

Abilene, Texas
Air Force Reserve
澳门皇冠赌场平台.S. 1997


HSU was foundational in preparing me not only for my professional career, 但也要为之奉献一生. To God be the glory!

Mrs. Linda Carter

Abilene, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.Ed. 1999


I have been blessed by the HSU family for 35 years as FBC-Abilene University Minister, a Graduate, Alumni, and Trustee. It is such a joy for two of my grandsons to share that experience as students at HSU.

Dr. C. Ross Chandler

Marble Falls, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.S. 2004

董事会选举| 2025年可连任

我们家的生活受到了大的影响. God has used my beloved school to shape everything about me, and I’m deeply honored to serve. I love our faculty, staff, and students, and I’m excited about the future.

Mrs. Vishia Coleman

澳门皇冠赌场平台.S.N.  2003


I am honored and humbled to be able to serve on the HSU Board of Trustees. 我为大学的持续发展感到兴奋.

Mr. Jeff Coody

澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 1982


我欠大一个人情. My experience at HSU was wonderful, and I had great times with lifelong friends. I am honored to serve with like‑minded people for the benefit of this great historical institution. I recall Dr. Rupert N. Richardson teaching me that the world is a small place and your influence goes much farther than you think!

Dr. Craig Curry

Plano, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台-洛格斯登神学院.Div. 2005
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.S. 2002

大会选举| 2027年可连任

I look back on my time at Hardin-Simmons as the best years of my life. 我交了有史以来最好的朋友, 我遇见并爱上了法伦, and it was there that I received the best training for a life of ministry.

Mr. Jason Darby

Abilene, Texas
Business Owner
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 2000


能回馈澳门皇冠赌场平台是我的荣幸, 这所大学能给你超乎想象的体验.

Mr. Chuck Davis

McKinney, Texas
Retired Diplomat | Former Texas Baptist Student Ministry Director
澳门皇冠赌场平台.M.E.  1984


It would be difficult to overstate the positive professional and spiritual impact HSU has made on my life as a follower of Christ. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve this institution which has given so much to so many of us through the years.

Mrs. Zelda Ellison

Lockney, Texas
Part-Time Ministry Assistant | Free-lance Instrumentalist and Vocalist | Retired teacher
澳门皇冠赌场平台.S. 1971

大会选举| 2025年可连任

HSU trained me well for my life serving in the field of education and in the community. 我第一次去是在60年代,之后就再也没有离开过!

Mrs. Kayla Dillman

Newark, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.A. 2014
澳门皇冠赌场平台.A. 2016


徐把我塑造成了今天的我. I am so grateful for the privilege to continue to serve and give back to my University.

Mr. Mark Fowler

Garland, Texas
Retired, Regional Director – Texas Health and  Human Services Commission
澳门皇冠赌场平台.S. 1980

大会选举| 2025年可连任

My four years at HSU were the most formative years of my life because of the lasting friendships I made, 我所受的教育, 我的经历, 我也是在那里遇到我妻子的.

Mr. Mark Ganaway

Colleyville, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 1997

大会选举| 2025年可连任

I am thankful for 我所受的教育 at HSU and the lifelong friends that I made. I pray that the school continues to bless future students and families in a similar way.

Mrs. Julie Gentzel

Kaufman, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.Ed. 1989

大会选举| 2025年可连任

作为大毕业生的孩子,我从小就热爱大. 作为一名学生,我经历了人生中最美好的时光. I met my husband there, and learned how to fulfill my calling to teach children to read.

Mr. Mark Graham

Tuscola, Texas
Teacher, retired
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.S. 1992

大会选举| 2027年可连任

I am so thankful to HSU for being a great blessing in my life by connecting me to Christian professors, staff, 还有朋友和改变人生的美好经历.

Mrs. Julie Hammer

Abilene, Texas
Children’s Minister
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.S. 1994

大会选举| 2026年可连任

At HSU, 我能够培养我的信仰,发现真正的自我, grow as a leader, 探索我对事奉的呼召, 建立终身的友谊. As a Trustee, I am honored to ensure these gifts are available to others.

Dr. Jimmie Keeling

Abilene, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.D. (h.c.) 2015


It was a blessing to serve as head football coach at HSU for 21 years during which time I worked with many great people and coached hundreds of fine young men.

Hon. Candy Noble

Lucas, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.Ed. 1983


作为澳门皇冠赌场平台的毕业生, 哈佛大学毕业生的女儿, 也是毕业生的妈妈, 我很感激你对信仰的投资, friendships and education that Hardin-Simmons has made in my life and family.

Mr. Lane Northcut

Buda, Texas
Executive Pastor


HSU has made a major impact in my family by providing a foundation in education and personal growth for my parents and for my two daughters. It was beneficial for them to attend a school where the professors and University staff take an interest in their success and well‑being.

Ms. Cynthia Pearson

Abilene, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.A. 1985

董事会选举| 2025年可连任

虽然我毕业于丹佛的一所基督教高中, 许给了我一种更“宾至如归”的感觉, 热情地欢迎我, 即使是作为丹佛的转校生, CO; I’ve been in Abilene ever since.

Mr. Jerry A. Phillips

Lubbock, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 1967


My time at HSU as a student was instrumental in my educational and personal development. 我很荣幸能为贵校服务,我也为贵校的未来感到兴奋!

Mr. Drue Pounds

Colleyville, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 1992

大会选举| 2027年可连任

Being a graduate and a parent of a graduate and a current student of HSU, I have a deep affection for HSU and the lifelong difference it makes in the lives of kids and growing God’s kingdom.

Louis RevorMr. Louis Revor

Murphy, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.S. 1994


HSU为我奠定了基础.  I am thankful for the opportunity to help others benefit similarly.

Mrs. Daisy Sanchez

San Angelo, Texas
School Counselor
澳门皇冠赌场平台.Ed. 1986

大会选举| 2026年可连任

I will always be indebted to HSU for it is during my college years that I learned what it meant for Jesus to be Lord of my life!

Mr. Joe Sharp

McKinney, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.A. 1958

大会选举| 2026年可连任

The honor of serving on the BOT at HSU has been most enjoyable and rewarding.

Dr. Dan Stahl

Belton, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.S. 2001

大会选举| 2026年可连任

在大的时光是我一生中最美好的时光. My professors and coaches did an excellent job in preparing me for my future and I met lifetime friends and my beautiful wife while attending this wonderful university.

Mr. Rick Strange

Midland, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 1982


HSU让我能够直面生活中的所有挑战. 我将永远感激你.

Mrs. Jill Teague

Abilene, Texas


I am so grateful and humbled to be one of many entrusted in assuring that God’s Glory continues to shine in and through Hardin-Simmons大学.

Mrs. Roxi Vanstory

澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.S. 1984


HSU为你的余生奠定了道路和基础. 良好的环境和学习机会!

Dr. 迈克尔·库珀·沃特斯

Dallas, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.D. (h.c.) 1991

大会选举| 2026年可连任

这是一个荣幸和荣幸为澳门皇冠赌场平台作为受托人, an institution that has blessed and educated so many persons over the years.

Mr. Jon Wheeler

Midland, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.S. Math 1987

大会选举| 2027年可连任

I am so appreciative of my time at HSU; I’ve made many life-long friends and enjoyed experiences that I would not have had at a larger school.

Mrs. Angie Wiley

Abilene, Texas
澳门皇冠赌场平台.B.A. 1986


I did a lot of growing up while I was at Hardin-Simmons among caring and capable professors and staff. 我遇到了一生的朋友,他们至今仍影响着我的生活.

Dr. Darin M. Wood

Midland, Texas


荣幸地自1999年起作为牧师服事基督. 我没有从大毕业,但我在那里遇到了我的妻子.